Revitalizing Redfall: Bethesda's New Update Breathes Life Into Vampire Co-op Shooter

  • 08-10-2023 |
  • Ava Harrison

The land of video games has witnessed yet another resurrection attempt by a developer. This time, it's Bethesda coming to the rescue of its vampire co-op shooter, Redfall, with a new update aimed at improving the somewhat disappointing state of the game since its launch.

Breathing Life Back into Redfall

Breathing Life Back into Redfall

Despite the initial hype around Redfall, courtesy of its development by Arkane Austin and its status as a first-party Xbox game, its reception was underwhelming. With numerous glitches and a general lack of technical polish, players abandoned ship swiftly, leading to a decline in player count to single digits on Steam recently. The latest update by Bethesda aims to rectify these issues and win back the hearts of their estranged fans.

60 FPS and Bug Fixes: The Lifeline of the Update

The most significant addition to Redfall is the long-awaited 60 FPS feature. This welcomed enhancement answers one of the major grievances of the fanbase, who felt let down by the game's performance issues. Adding to the technical improvements, this update also addresses various glitches that had been plaguing the gaming experience, bringing an overall higher quality of gameplay and stability.

The Silent and Deadly Update

Improvements aren't just technical; combat gets a shot of adrenaline with the introduction of stealth takedowns and increases in enemy populations within the open world, providing a well-rounded and engaging gameplay experience. However, the question remains: is this enough to bring back players who were frustrated by the game's initial offering?

Charting the Future of Redfall

Charting the Future of Redfall

Bethesda's determination to make amends with this update is reflected in their consistent efforts to improve Redfall, but only time will tell if players will indeed come back. With a sea of other games available, Redfall's struggle might continue. However, optimistic players may see this as a silver lining for potential content drops in the future, which could further enrich the game.

On the bright side, Arkane fans have something new to look forward to, as leaks suggest that Dishonored 3 is in active development. Considering Arkane's success with the Dishonored franchise, it might be exactly what they need to restore their reputation.


The Redfall update stands as a testament to Bethesda's commitment to delivering an enriching gaming experience despite the rocky start. The introduction of 60 FPS, combat enhancements, and bug fixes reflect the developer's efforts to rectify initial shortcomings and to give Redfall the shot it needs to gain some relevance back in the gaming community. Let's watch this space to see how the gaming community receives this resurrection attempt.