Preparing to fight the demon Lu Boo in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is very important if you want to emerge victorious. Lou Boo has a lot of dangerous attacks, so the right equipment and spells can play a huge role.
Choose the right spells
When it comes to choosing spells, it's best to use quick spells. They are not as powerful as the stronger spells, but they will help you lower Lou Boo's spirit level. The two best spells to use are Frost Lance and Frozen Malice. You can also use Ice Weapon if you prefer to act close or Ice Spear Trap if you're quick on your wits. As a defense spell, use enhanced defense (earth) or spirit rage (wood).
When it comes to armor, you should look for gear with high fire resistance. The Lieutenant General's armor and Khan's armor have a fire-resistance rating of 60. You can also use the services of a blacksmith to increase the fire resistance of your armor further. Don't forget to turn on "Heatproof Ice" in the shortcut menu, as this will temporarily increase the fire resistance and remove the burn status.
Bring reinforcements
Unlike the first fight with Lou Boo, bringing in reinforcements is really helpful. Lou Boo is still agile, but he's slower and more predictable than before, making him an easier target. Bring in a water NPC at Battle Flag to take some of the burdens off of him.
Basic Strategy
The goal in this fight is to get Lou Boo into a state of spirit shutdown and open himself up to a deadly strike. You can do this by using martial arts, magic spells, spirit attacks, general deflections, and critical strike deflections to simultaneously fill the negative spirit scale and reduce the lower limit.
Basic Attacks and Fire Attacks
Lou Boo will start the fight with a naked halberd and fight with great intensity. After a certain amount of time has passed or a certain amount of damage has been dealt, Lou Boo will envelop his weapon in flames and become much more aggressive. Each basic attack will have a flame counterpart, which will deal more damage when hit. If flame attacks hit you too many times, you will start to burn. Use heat-resistant ice to extinguish the flames.
Basic Swing Attacks
This is Lou Boo's most common attack. He raises his weapon high up, pauses for a moment, and then strikes in a semi-circle. Often he combines two or more swings into a combo.
Overhead Spin for AOE
Lou Boo twirls his weapon over his head and then plunges it into the ground, creating a big circular AOE. You can pull back if you can attack in time, or deflect just before the weapon hits the ground. There is a fire version of this attack that results in an explosion of flame in the same AOE. The same defense is triggered.
Dropout Strike Attack.
Lou Boo crouches down, clearly "charging" for something. He then jumps forward and strikes the halberd forward as soon as he lands. This attack starts slowly but ends quickly. The strike comes with astonishing speed, so engage the deflection button prior to when you feel ready.
Unique Flame Attacks
Lou Boo will circle around the arena, releasing small fireballs at you. They have the ability to track, so your best bet is to deflect.
Final Thoughts
Demon Lou Boo is an example of the interesting design choices Team Ninja has made in boss fights. While this fight should not be taken for granted, it pales in comparison to the first fight. Now that Lou Boo is no longer alive, it's time to enter the final battle. With the right equipment and spells and a little luck, you can defeat the monstrous demon Lu Bu and complete the game of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.