Valorant: Unconventional Agent Combos to Surprise Your Opponents

  • Ava Harrison

Valorant, a tactical first-person shooter developed by Riot Games, is not only about individual skill but also about teamwork and strategy. The game revolves around unique agents, each possessing special abilities that can synergize with one another. By combining unconventional agent selections, players have the potential to disrupt opponents' expectations and gain a tactical advantage. Here, we will explore some unique team compositions that can catch enemies off guard in Valorant matches.

The Flank Masters

The first unconventional combo involves agents who excel at flanking and creating chaos behind enemy lines. A mix of Omen, Raze, and Cypher makes for an unpredictable team composition. Omen's teleportation can confuse enemies, allowing him to get behind their defenses. Raze's explosives can create significant disruption, while Cypher can gather intel with his spy cameras, making it easy for the team to pinpoint enemy positions.

Smoke and Mirrors

This composition utilizes Sova, Astra, and Phoenix to create a complex battlefield environment. Sova can reveal enemy positions with his Recon Bolt, giving Astra the opportunity to place stars strategically for smokes and gravity wells. Phoenix can then capitalize on the chaos with his flash abilities, effectively disorienting opponents. This combination keeps enemies guessing and off balance as they try to navigate the dense smoke and confusion.

Wall and Trap Combo


Another interesting pairing is Sage, Killjoy, and Viper. Sage brings healing and the ability to create barriers, while Killjoy's turrets can provide both defense and intel. Viper's toxic screens can obscure vision and inhibit enemy movement, allowing Sage to create perfect moments for reviving teammates or blocking off enemies. The blend of crowd control and strategic placement offers a unique defensive strategy that opponents may not anticipate.

Elemental Fury

A team composition involving Jett, Brimstone, and Reyna can unleash a relentless barrage of abilities. Jett's agility allows her to roam freely and disrupt enemy plans, while Brimstone's smokes and airstrikes can clear areas and zone enemies. Reyna can capitalize on the disarray, using her ability to steal health and sustain herself through the firefights. This combination creates a dynamic team that can stay aggressive and unpredictable.

Recon and Recon

A team built around Sova, Skye, and Raze can excel in reconnaissance and surprise attacks. Sova’s ability to gather intelligence is unparalleled, and Skye can combine healing with her own scouting abilities. Raze serves as the explosive wildcard, capable of turning the tides of a round with her bombs and Blast Pack. This combination focuses heavily on knowing where the enemies are while executing sudden strikes that leave them vulnerable.

Sound and Fury


This composition brings together Sova, Raze, and Phoenix. Utilizing Sova to gather info while Raze bombards sites with unpredictable explosions creates an opening for Phoenix to take charge. His self-healing and area control can create fear among opponents, allowing for effective site takes and retakes. The combination of sound and fury can be disorienting, leaving enemies guessing their next moves.

Vision Control

A composition featuring Astra, Jett, and Omen offers the ability to wield significant vision control. Astra can create smokes that disrupt enemy lines of sight, while Jett can dash in to gather intel or secure picks. Omen's teleportation can enhance the unpredictability, ensuring the opponents can never feel secure in their positions. This combination allows for flexible playstyles, adapting to any situation that arises.

Drifting Shadows

Utilizing Omen, Reyna, and Skye creates an interesting dynamic where misinformation and aggression dominate. Omen's ability to shadow step allows him to create distractions, while Reyna's ability to heal off enemies can give her an advantage in gunfights. Skye's supportive skills provide healing and scouting, allowing the team to push forward aggressively while remaining healthy. This combo can create confusion and misdirection that can catch any team off guard.

Uncontainable Pressure


A team featuring Raze, Brimstone, and Jett can maintain consistent pressure on opponents. Brimstone’s smokes create a foundation for Jett to execute swift strikes, while Raze occupies enemies with her explosion abilities. This composition can continually apply pressure on enemy locations, demanding constant attention from the defending team, which can lead to mistakes and openings for further assaults.

Psyche Warfare

A mix of Yoru, Cypher, and Killjoy can bend the rules of engagement. Yoru’s ultimate allows him to create false fronts while confusing opponents, Cypher can lay traps and reveal enemy movements, and Killjoy can further fortify defensive positions. The unpredictability of Yoru, combined with Cypher’s ability to control space, can leave enemies second-guessing every decision, leading them into situations deemed unfavorable.

The Nature of Healing

Pairing Reyna, Phoenix, and Sage creates a self-sustaining fight strategy. Though they fulfill different roles, each agent can contribute to keeping the team alive longer than opponents expect. Reyna can revive herself, Phoenix can heal, and Sage can bring back fallen teammates, effectively creating a loop of resilience that can frustrate those who don’t expect such renewed tenacity. This combo shines in high-pressure situations where healing becomes vital.

Diverse Playstyles


Using a combination of Omen, Sage, and Skye allows for diverse playstyles across the board. Omen creates valuable separation between teams with shadows and teleportation, while Sage can guarantee stability with her healing capabilities. On the other hand, Skye can bring team vision through her scouting aids. This composition is versatile enough to adapt to any scenario that arises during the match, effectively leaving opponents guessing.

Time Manipulation

A strategy involving Killjoy, Astra, and Raze plays with the elements of time, space, and explosion potential. Astra can manipulate the battlefield with her stars, Killjoy can slow down engagements with her gadgets, and Raze can react quickly with area-dominating grenades. The control and persistence this setup provides can effectively immobilize opponents, allowing for strategic execution of plays that emerge from the chaos they create.

Unity of Control

Combining Viper, Omen, and Brimstone creates a powerful control dynamic. Viper's poisons can force enemies into positions where Omen and Brimstone can capitalize. This elemental composition can effectively choke points and create forced engagements. This team composition can bombard opponents from unexpected angles while maintaining a vying grip on the battlefield.

Conclusion – Not Yet

Exploring these unconventional agent combos in Valorant opens the door to an array of unpredictable strategies that can bewilder opponents. By utilizing unique synergies among agents, players can redefine their approach to teamwork and create opportunities that lead to unexpected victories. The variety of combinations illustrates how deeply the game accommodates strategic thinking, with every match providing opportunities to experiment and evolve in gameplay.