1Password Introduces Passkey Support with Beta Browser Extension

  • 07-06-2023 |
  • Caleb Harrington

Popular password manager 1Password has released a beta browser extension for Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, and Brave that enables users to create, store, and share passkeys for supported websites. However, passkeys can only be generated for platforms that have implemented their own support for the feature. To help users stay informed about available passkey support, 1Password maintains a directory of compatible sites and services.

The beta browser extension not only allows users to keep track of existing passkey-supported sites but also introduces a new tab where they can vote on which additional websites and services they would like to see adopt this security feature. By engaging its user base in this way, 1Password aims to continue expanding the reach of passkeys as a robust alternative to traditional password security.

Alongside the passkey functionality in the beta browser extension, 1Password includes a feature called Watchtower that monitors your accounts and informs you when passkey support becomes available on a platform. This proactive approach ensures users can take advantage of the enhanced security offered by passkeys as soon as it is enabled on their favorite websites or online services.

Passkeys represent an important advancement in digital security since traditional passwords are often vulnerable to hacking attempts or user error. By encouraging websites and services to implement support for passkeys while simultaneously helping users navigate this emerging technology through features like Watchtower and its interactive support directory, 1Password is promoting a more secure online landscape.

In conclusion, 1Password's beta browser extension demonstrates the company's dedication to providing innovative and effective solutions for user security. As more websites incorporate passkey support into their platforms with guidance from users provided via the new voting tab, it is likely that digital landscapes will continue experiencing improved security through the wide adoption of this technology.