Rumored Arrival of Red Dead Redemption 2 on an Unexpected Platform: A Closer Look

  • 27-09-2023 |
  • Caleb Harrington

In the ever-changing landscape of video gaming, surprises often come from unexpected quarters. One such recent surprise is the rumor buzzing in the gaming community about the possible arrival of the blockbuster game Red Dead Redemption 2, on Nintendo Switch. This speculation, while far from confirmed, has been stoked by some intriguing evidence from the Brazilian rating board, which listed the Switch among the platforms for this epic title. As we delve into the details, it's worth considering the implications for both the game and the platform.

We all know that Red Dead Redemption 2, since its release in 2018, has secured its status as one of the most acclaimed open-world western games, offering players an immersive experience teeming with adventure and exploration. Its financial success is also remarkable, with over 50 million copies sold. If the rumors are true and the game does indeed make its way to Nintendo Switch, this could mean an even larger audience and greater success for the game. The Red Dead Redemption franchise already enjoys a reputation for producing top-notch open-world games, and this new development could further cement that reputation.

The basis of these rumors stems from a listing on Brazil's rating board, where the game was listed under the Switch platform along with existing platforms like PS4, Xbox One, and PC. This information was brought to light by a journalist from a Brazilian gaming outlet, Universo Nintendo, who goes by the name "Necro" Felipe. While the listing doesn't confirm the game's arrival on Nintendo Switch, it certainly raises questions about a potential upcoming release. The fact that the first Red Dead Redemption was recently ported to the Switch only adds fuel to this speculation.

Of course, numerous technical questions arise when considering such a move. Red Dead Redemption 2 is known for its stunning visuals, and it remains to be seen how well the Switch could handle such graphics. The recent port of Mortal Kombat, 1 to Switch, was met with criticism due to poor graphics and visual glitches. Rockstar, the developer of Red Dead Redemption 2, would undoubtedly want to avoid such issues. The potential rewards of a successful port are high, but the challenges are significant.

As we follow the development of this rumor, it's important to remember that this is not the only recent news of interest for fans of the Red Dead Redemption franchise. Documents leaked from the Microsoft vs. FTC trial suggest that the game could also be headed to current-gen consoles like Xbox Series X/S and PS5. While these platforms already support the game, it runs as a last-gen port without native versions. So, while the rumors of a Switch port are exciting, fans can also look forward to the potential benefits of current-gen versions, including higher resolutions and improved graphics. For now, though, all we can do is wait for official announcements. As always, the world of gaming continues to keep us on our toes with its unpredictability and ceaseless evolution.