Stellar Blade Protagonist Eve Reacts to Players' Gazes in a Unique Interactive Feature

  • 02-05-2024 |
  • Caleb Harrington

In "Stellar Blade," Eve notes when you fix your gaze upon her, similar to how in "Nier Automata" 2B and in "Death Stranding," Sam were aware of your actions. Eve from "Stellar Blade" will engage in a silent challenge of gazes if she notices the player scrutinizing her excessively.

Interestingly, fans have a strong attraction towards "Stellar Blade's" main character, Eve. What players find astonishing is that Eve will engage in a mutual gaze if the player gets overly fixated on her, using the game camera excessively.

For instance, there's a short video clip where Eve looks straight into the camera after it lingers on her for a tad too long, giving the eerie impression she's peering into the player's very essence, an effect that might have been the game developer Shift Up's goal.

A clearer demonstration of this reaction is visible in a different video clip. Here, a player attempts to view Eve from a low angle, and Eve reacts by fixing them with a look that recalls a teacher questioning a student's questionable decision, knowing exactly what’s happening.

This humorous interaction is reminiscent of a feature from "Death Stranding." In the 2019 game, focusing the camera on Norman Reedus’s character in a private setting prompts him to protectively cover himself and even retaliate if the camera lingers.

Similarly, "Nier Automata" included this interactive element back in 2017. A video clip illustrates that if the camera is positioned to peek under 2B’s skirt, she reacts by shifting away and casting a disapproving glance at the player’s view. Such a reaction seems entirely appropriate under the circumstances.

Interestingly, "Nier Automata" even awarded a PlayStation Trophy for this voyeuristic interaction. Named 'What Are You Doing?' it entailed looking up 2B's skirt numerous times to unlock, adding a somewhat questionable layer to this feature beyond what was seen in other games.

"Stellar Blade" continues to make adjustments that enhance my experience since its review, including refined "input time for basic attacks, and adjustments to blocking and parrying" mechanics.