The Saami Council Demands Removal of Far Northern Attire DLC from Final Fantasy 14

  • 19-02-2023 |
  • Caleb Harrington

The Saami Council, a non-governmental organization representing the indigenous Sámi people of Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Russia, has called for removing the Far Northern Attire DLC from Final Fantasy 14. According to the council, the items depicted in the DLC are "Sámi cultural property," and the use of these items without their consent infringes upon their rights. The controversy raises questions about the appropriation of indigenous culture in video games and the responsibility of game developers to represent cultural heritage accurately.

The Sámi people are the indigenous inhabitants of the northern regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. They have their language, culture, and customs, and their way of life is closely tied to the natural environment. The Far Northern Attire DLC features clothing and accessories inspired by Sámi traditional dress, including a hat, gloves, boots, and a coat. The Saami Council argues that the use of these items in the game without their consent is a violation of their rights as the custodians of Sámi cultural heritage.

The controversy over the Far Northern Attire DLC highlights a broader issue of cultural appropriation in video games. Indigenous cultures have often been used as inspiration for game developers to create exotic and unique worlds, characters, and storylines. However, these depictions can be inaccurate or insensitive, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and erasing the complex and diverse identities of indigenous peoples. In this case, the Sámi Council's objection is not about the inappropriate depiction but rather the use of cultural property without consent.

Square Enix, the developer of Final Fantasy 14, has yet to respond to the Saami Council's request to remove the Far Northern Attire DLC. However, the company has been praised for its cultural sensitivity and accuracy in representing diverse cultures in its games. For instance, Final Fantasy XV features a character based on a Maori warrior, and the game's development team consulted with Maori cultural advisors to ensure the depiction was respectful and accurate.

Game developers have a responsibility to accurately represent indigenous cultures and seek the consent of the communities they are depicting. Square Enix can show its commitment to cultural sensitivity by responding to the Saami Council's request and taking appropriate action.