Twitter Resumes Allowing Free Interaction with Substack Links

  • 11-04-2023 |
  • Caleb Harrington

Twitter has recently reversed a limitation they had previously put in place earlier in the week and are now once again allowing users to interact freely with Substack links. This means that users can now retweet, reply to, and like posts with Substack links, without the platform issuing a safety warning. 

Though the platform has reversed the limitation, searching for “substack” still produces results involving the word “newsletter.” Despite this, Substack has expressed their gratitude for the platform’s reversal of their limitation, tweeting, “We’re glad to see that the suppression of Substack publications on Twitter appears to be over. This is the right move for writers, who deserve the freedom to share their work.” 

This freedom to share their work is especially important for Substack writers, who often rely on the platform to reach a wider audience. With the limitation lifted, Substack writers can now rest assured that their content will be able to reach as many people as possible. 

The platform’s decision to lift the limitation also comes as a relief to many Substack writers, who may have felt that their work was being censored by the platform. This is a valid concern, as platforms like Twitter have a tendency to manipulate the visibility of certain content, often with the goal of promoting their own agenda. 

In the end, the freedom to share work without the fear of censorship is an invaluable one, and it is encouraging to see Twitter recognize this. This is a great step towards protecting writers’ rights, and we can only hope that other platforms follow suit. 

What do you think of Twitter’s decision to lift the limitation on Substack links? Leave a comment below!