The much-awaited reactions are finally being introduced on WhatsApp. One of the biggest chatting apps on the market also introduced the extended size of files and increase group limit projects. WhatsApp officials say that we can expect to see all the features in a week around the world. The US audience can already enjoy them.
WhatsApp offers its new emoji reactions that might simplify the life of its users, making the communication between them easier. You don’t have to answer each message your friends send you. Now you can easily tap on it and pick the emoji that will be your responce. You may have noticed similar systems on Slack, iMessage, and even Telegram. Now, WhatsApp wants to join the competition with new possibilities. To do this, the company rolls out the possibility to use emojis in the individual and group chats. The announcement on the emojis was made last month, and it took some time to finish the beta testing of the new feature.
Apart from the new reactions, the social network is raising the size of the file you can share with each other. Before the new update, you could send only 100MB files. Now you can easily attach 2GB video or audio to your message. Moreover, there is good news for the companies that use WhatsApp as their major tool in communication. The group size limit will be extended to 512 members, which is a perfect opportunity to gather the whole company you work at or even the whole school to discuss something. The previous number was only 256, which is not that much compared to the new option.
The new emojis are already there with the new update of WhatsApp. If you don’t have automatic updates, you can go to the settings and update them. The company offers a limited amount of emojis for now.
Have you already tried new emojis? Do you think they are helpful in the conversation? Share your thoughts in the comments below.